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Word Processor Edit menu


The UnDo command reverses the last editing or formatting action. Use Keyboard | Enable UnDo to enable or disable this function.


The ReDo command re-does the last un-do.


Clear deletes all selected (highlighted) text, and deletes objects.


Cut is similar to Copy(3- 9) command, except it also deletes the selected (highlighted) text or object from the current document.

Note: because ^X is used for the Edit | Cut command, it is not available for insertion into the text, and cannot be used to create a new katakana text object. Use ^T (Ctrl+T) instead.


Copy copies the highlighted text or object into the Windows clipboard(D- - 9), and into the clipboard(4- 3) window, for later pasting. Use the copy command to export text to other applications.


Paste copies all the text in the clipboard window(4- 3) window into the document starting at the text insertion point(5- 1).

Use Paste Special to copy from the Windows clipboard(D- - 9).

Selections with fewer than 128 keystrokes are inserted as a macro (i.e. just as if the keys had been pressed from the keyboard). Otherwise, the entire selection is quickly inserted, and the entire window redrawn.

Note: because ^V is used for the Paste command, it is not available for insertion into the text, and cannot be used to create a new bopomofo text object. Use ^B (Ctrl+B) instead.

Copy Range

The Copy Range command copies a named range of text to the Windows clipboard(D- - 9) for use as a linked OLE(D- - 5) object in another application. To export text for an embedded or static object, you can also use the Edit Copy(3- 9) command.

For an explanation of the dialog box controls, see the Bookmark(3- 11) command. Select an existing bookmark or define a new bookmark to export the corresponding text as a named range. Paired bookmarks define a selection. Open-ended bookmarks define a beginning point: the exported text will start at the bookmark, and continue to the end of the document. However, the exported text cannot exceed a bounding rectangle supplied by the client, so exported text can fit on one page only. See Managing Exported Text(10- 2).

Paste Special

The Paste Special command pastes one of various different Windows clipboard(D- - 9) formats into your document. The Paste Link option creates a link to information in another application. Source displays the source application and the name of the file containing the original copy of the object.
  1. Data Type lists the presentation formats available for the information on the Windows clipboard. These vary from application to application. Those in the list that have a format ending with the word object, as in Paint Picture Object are not used for linking, only to embed objects.
  2. Object is picture representation of the clipboard contents and the data you need to edit the object. The name of the object in the list will vary depending on the clipboard contents.
  3. Formatted Text is text with formatting (e.g., text from an English word processor).
  4. Unformatted Text is plain text with no formatting.
  5. Picture is scalable vector picture representation.
  6. Bitmap is the representation used by pictures from Paint(D- - 6), or from pressing Alt+PrintScreen.
  1. Paste inserts the Windows clipboard contents into your document in the format chosen.
  2. Paste Link inserts the Windows clipboard contents into the document and creates a link with the other application to update the data automatically or on demand. This button is unavailable unless the clipboard contents come from an application that can link data to Smart Characters.

Word Space

It is far easier to press the SpaceBar than to use the Word Space command to insert a variable or fixed word space into the text. Word spacing is fixed in input modes (e.g., English) that use spaces. variable word spacing(4- 14) is controlled by the Format | Annotations command.

Page Break

The Page Break command inserts a hard page break at the insertion point(5- 1) into your document. Breaks in a Smart Characters document appear as light dotted lines across the window, except in page layout view, where you see how the actual page will appear when printed.


The Target command marks the current single-line paragraph as a hypertext topic header(12- 3) by inserting a hypertext(D- - 4) target code (Ctrl+^) at the start of the line. Topic headers can be jumped to by selecting a corresponding hypertext topic reference(12- 3).


The Reference command converts selected the text into a hypertext topic reference(12- 3) by inserting a pair of hypertext(D- - 4) reference codes (Ctrl+A) and a topic reference pointer(12- 3) around the text. The selected text should exactly match a corresponding hypertext topic header(12- 3). See the Target(3- 11) command. After using the Translate Compile Hypertext(3- 34) command to compile the file, selecting the reference will jump the insertion point(5- 1) to the hypertext target.


The Bookmark dialog defines or deletes a bookmark. Additionally, the Edit Copy Range(3- 10) command invokes this dialog to export a range of text to other applications. To go to a bookmark, use the Edit Goto(3- 15) command.

Bookmarks may be open-ended or paired. Open-ended bookmarks are inserted at the insertion point(5- 1), while paired bookmarks are inserted around selected text or graphics.

  1. Bookmark Name is the name of the bookmark to add or export. Select a name from the list box, or type in a new name. Names can contain letters, numbers, and underscores (_).
  2. OK adds or exports the bookmark.
  3. Delete deletes the bookmark (but not the text).

Edit Text Object dialog

The Edit Text Object dialog is a miniature document window used to edit compound objects in a document. It is invoked to insert a new object by the Edit | Insert Header(3- 11), Footer(3- 12), and Footnote(3- 12) commands.

To edit or delete an existing object, use the View Page Layout(3- 6) command, locate the object, and click it to invoke the dialog.

  1. OK inserts or updates the compound object in the document.
  2. Delete deletes the compound object.
  3. Setup invokes an optional dialog appropriate to the type of object.


The Header command invokes the Edit Text Object dialog to insert a new header, a title or graphic that prints in the top margin of each page. Headers do not appear in normal view. To edit or delete an existing header, see Edit Text Object(3- 11).

Headers are stored in compound objects, which are inserted into the text at the insertion point. Header objects at the top of a page display beginning with that page, otherwise they display beginning with the next page. Headers repeat on following pages until the next header compound object.


The Insert Footer command invokes the Edit Text Object dialog to insert a new footer, text that prints in the bottom margin of every page (e.g., the date and page number). Footers do not appear in normal view. To edit or delete an existing footer, see Edit Text Object(3- 11).

Footers are stored in compound objects, which are inserted into the text at the insertion point. Footers repeat until the next footer compound object.


The Footnote command invokes the Edit Text Object dialog to insert a new footnote, text that prints at the bottom of a page. Footnotes do not appear in normal view. To edit or delete an existing footnote, see Edit Text Object(3- 11).

Footnotes print on the same page as the corresponding reference marks unless you indicate otherwise. Footnote formatting is controlled by the Footnote Settings(3- 22) dialog.

Date & Time

The Date & Time command inserts today's date and time into the text at the insertion point(5- 1). To insert a field code that always displays the current date and time, use Edit | Insert Field | Date & Time.

Field Code

The Field Code command inserts a selected field code that displays a document or system variable, such as the page number or the current date and time.

Merge Code

The Merge Code command inserts a mail merge field code.


Insert File imports the selected file into the current window starting at the insertion point(5- 1) (text cursor). If there is not enough memory to import the entire file, Smart Characters displays the File Too Large(A- - 6) message. Import the first part of the file, or cancel the request.


The Insert Object dialog command inserts an object from another application, such as a Paint(D- - 6) drawing, using OLE (Object Linking and Embedding)(D- - 5). The application supplying the object will become active on your screen.

To insert an object linked to another file, switch to the application that edits the other file, open the file and select the object you wish to link to, then copy it to the Windows clipboard(D- - 9). Switch back to Smart Characters, and use Paste Special | Paste Link to paste it into the Smart Characters document. To delete an object, use Edit | Clear.

Object Type selects the object you want to insert into your document. Some common objects are drawings, graphs, spreadsheets, equations, and other Smart Characters documents.


Use the Links dialog to display all the links you have in a document to other applications such as Paint(D- - 6). This command is unavailable if you have no links in your document.

Links displays all links in a document. The four columns contain the application, file name, item name, and type or status of link.

  1. Update selects the type of link you want for the selected links in the Links box:
  1. Automatic inserts new data as soon as it is available. Whenever a change is made in the source file, that change is shown immediately in each destination document. You don't have to request updates, and you always have the most recent information.
  2. Manual inserts new data only when you ask for it by choosing the Update Now button. You request changes from the source file when you want them. This option gives you more control over your document.
  3. Locked prevents updates to a selected link. If you lock a link, the Update Now option is unavailable. The information in the link is frozen when you select this check box. Use this option when you have reached the final version of the linked information and want to stop updating without canceling the link.
  1. Open Source opens the source of a selected link. For example, choosing the Open Source button opens up a linked drawing in Paint(D- - 6) if you have a Paint drawing linked to your document.
  2. Update Now updates all links selected in the Links box.
  3. Cancel Link breaks links for all selected links between data and the document.
  4. Change Link displays a dialog box so you can change the selected link to receive data from another application, file, or item. See the Change Link dialog box.

Activate Object

The Activate Object command opens the application in which the selected object was created and displays the object so you can edit it. This command is available only when you have selected an existing object in your document, e.g., a drawing from Paint(D- - 6).

First, select the drawing, and then choose Paint Drawing Object from the Edit menu to open Paint and display the object for editing.

Mouse shortcut: Double click the object with the left mouse button.

Join Text Objects

The Join Text Objects command combines separate text objects(4- 1) into one, regardless of the types of the objects being joined. This command recovers from inadvertently splitting an object in two by typing an object type code(D- - 5) with the insertion point(5- 1) in the middle of an existing object. Use this command sparingly. If you do not like the results of a Join command, select Undo(3- 9) to reverse the join.


Text to Find: enter the text to find, or paste it from the internal clipboard(4- 3) window. Tip: observe the Pos indicator in the status bar(5- 2) or turn on the Ascii Codes(5- 5) window to make sure that any unwanted object type codes(5- 11) are not present. To find specific object type(4- 2) codes, see Searching for Object Type Codes(3- 14).

Match case finds only those occurrences in English text with the combination of uppercase and lowercase letters specified in the Text to Find box.

  1. Whole words only finds occurrences of words by themselves, and not part of a larger word.
Scope defines the starting and ending limits of the search:
  1. Global searches the entire document.
  2. Selected text searches selected text only (if any). If there is no selected text, the search fails.
  1. Direction sets the search direction to Forward or Backward.
  2. Origin sets the origin of the search:
  1. From Cursor starts from the insertion point(5- 1) and ends at the beginning or end of the scope, depending on the search direction.
  2. Entire Scope starts at either the beginning or end of the scope and ends at the end or beginning of the scope, depending on the search direction.

Searching for Object Type Codes

You can search and replace an object type code(D- - 5) by selecting View | Display Mode | ASCII Only. Otherwise, Smart Characters ignores object types(4- 2). To see the codes, use View | Show Codes to activate the Ascii Codes(5- 5) window before activating the Find(3- 13) dialog.

Search Progress

The tiny Press Space to Abort dialog interrupts searching or replacing if you click the Abort button or press Space. The hidden characters window(5- 4) displays search progress.


The Replace command searches for and replaces specified text or formatting in the active document.

Find: enter the text you want to find, or paste it from the internal clipboard(4- 3) window. You can keep the last search target, recall a previous target with the Up and Down arrow keys, or edit the target. Tip: observe the Pos indicator in the status bar(5- 2) or turn on the Ascii Codes(5- 5) window to make sure that any unwanted object type codes(5- 11) are not present.

  1. Replace with: enter the text you want to use as replacement text, or paste it from the clipboard window. Note: to completely remove the text in the Find box from the document, leave the Replace With box empty.
  2. Options
  1. Match case finds only those occurrences in English text with the combination of uppercase and lowercase letters specified in the Find box.
  2. Whole words only finds occurrences of words by themselves, and not part of a larger word.
  3. Prompt on replace invokes the Confirm Replace(3- 15) dialog to confirm each replacement.
  1. Scope defines the starting and ending limits of the search:
  1. Global searches the entire document.
  2. Selected text searches selected text only (if any). If there is no selected text, the search fails.
  1. Direction sets the search direction to Forward or Backward.
  2. Origin
  1. From Cursor starts from the insertion point(5- 1) and ends at the beginning or end of the scope, depending on the search direction.
  2. Entire Scope starts at either the beginning or end of the scope and ends at the end or beginning of the scope, depending on the search direction.
  1. All finds and replaces all instances of the text in the Find box with the text in the Replace with box. You can Undo(3- 9) the replacements by choosing the Edit | Undo command.
  2. OK replaces the next instance of matching text only.

Confirm Replace

If you selected Prompt on replace, and Smart Characters finds the search target, the Replace the Selected Text dialog asks you to confirm replacement:

Yes means replace this one and continue to ask.

  1. No means don't replace this one, but continue to search and ask.
  2. Change All means to replace this target, and continue to replace all subsequent targets without asking.
  3. Cancel means don't replace or search any more.

Repeat Find or Replace

The Repeat Find or Replace command repeats the last find or replace command. Tip: you can press Ctrl+F3 to toggle the search direction before pressing F3.

Go To

The Go To dialog displays the current bookmark, page, line, and byte offset, and jumps to a specified location. Enter the new bookmark name or page, line, or byte offset number, and select OK. Smart Characters scrolls the document if necessary to keep the insertion point(5- 1) visible.

Bookmark searches for and positions the insertion point or selection at the indicated named bookmark, if found. Page number indicates the current page and positions the insertion point at the beginning of the nearest page with the specified page number. Smart Characters inserts pages and page numbers only if the display mode(3- 7) is set to Page.

  1. Line number indicates the current line(D- - 2) and positions the insertion point on a specific line in the document.
  2. Byte Offset indicates the current byte offset and positions the insertion point to a specific byte offset in the document. This function is used by hypertext(D- - 4) to jump to a topic header(12- 3) from a topic reference pointer(12- 3).

Drop Anchor

Drop Anchor sets a place marker for the Return to Anchor(3- 15) command to return to. Useful when browsing large documents, or with hypertext(D- - 4).

Return to Anchor

Return returns to the previously selected hypertext(D- - 4) topic reference(12- 3) or the previous anchor (see the Drop Anchor(3- 15) command).

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Last Modified: March 23, 1996

Copyright © 1996 Apropos, Inc.