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Memory Errors

Window Is Full

(Window name): Buffer Is Full: The indicated window is full, and would overflow if it tried to accept your last edited line or pasted block. Select OK and delete some lines. You can save any block to disk by activating and saving the Clipboard(4- 3) window.

Non-permanent document window sizes are controlled by the Scw.ini [WorkStation] section NewDocMemory entry. The default is 65000 bytes, the maximum. If you want to edit larger files, install the unlimited file size editing(4- 3) accessory.

Window Is Almost Full

(Window name): Buffer Almost Full: The indicated window is almost full. You are almost out of room. Split up your document into smaller sections. Select OK. See the Window Is Full(A- - 6) message.

File Too Large

(File name): File too large, load and truncate: the current contents plus a new file size is larger than the window size, then end of the new file can not be loaded. However, if you now save the window to the same file name, it will then be truncated, so be careful! To avoid this unhappy possibility, the extension is set to ".trn". See the Window Is Full(A- - 6) message.

Block Too Big

Block Too Big: (length, size) indicates that the selection is too large for the internal clipboard, so it was not cut or copied. Select OK, then save the block to disk for later retrieval, try again with a smaller block, increase the Scw.ini Memory Sizes(B- - 2) section Clipbrd entry, or install the unlimited file size editing(4- 3) accessory, which removes the window size constraint altogether.

Object Too Large

Join Object Error: Object too large. Use this for smaller objects indicates that the selected text was too large for the function. Select OK and make a smaller selection.

Out of List Memory

Out of Memory: Smart Characters is preparing a list of items for a selection menu, but the available memory in the window being used (usually the list(4- 4)) is not large enough to contain all the entries, truncating the list. You cannot select items that would otherwise be at the end of the list. You can ignore the problem, specify a smaller list (by specifying more of a word), increase the Scw.ini Memory Sizes(B- - 2) section List entry, or install the unlimited file size editing(4- 3) accessory, which removes the window size constraint altogether.

Disk Too Small

Disk Too Small: (SpillPath, Bytes Free) indicates that the unlimited file size editing(4- 3) accessory requires more free disk space to open a large file. The free space required is about 100kb more than the size of the file opened for browsing, and twice that for a file to be saved (even if there is no backup). Select anything, free some disk space, and try again.

Out of Memory

Out of Memory errors indicate enough memory to complete the requested operation. Smart Characters for Windows is a medium memory-intensive program, (not a "memory hog"). This is a serious error that should never happen on a modern computer. Smart Characters will continue to work, but some functions will not work correctly. Getting this error indicates that your virtual memory is not correctly set up, or that some other application is hogging your computer's resources. Check your virtual memory settings in Control Panel, or quit and restart Windows.

(Name) Window indicates that previously allocated memory to cannot be used. A very serious error. Select OK to cancel the message, then quit Smart Characters and check your virtual memory settings.

Cannot load the Reference Dictionary: there is not enough memory to create another document window and load the reference dictionary(4- 8). Select OK.

(Error message) code (#): there was a file error saving a large file (edited using the unlimited file size editing(4- 3) accessory). There is not enough Smart Characters virtual memory (free disk space in the Scw.ini [WorkStation] section SpillPath directory), so the file cannot be saved. You can abort the save or switch to File Manager and free some disk space (or create the directory), and retry. Select Retry to resume the save, Abort to cancel the save, or Ignore (repeatedly) to continue to save portions of the document (not recommended).

Disk Free, (file name) (code, code): there is not enough Smart Characters virtual memory (free disk space in the Scw.ini WorkStation(B- - 2) section SpillPath directory), so the document cannot be edited. Select Abort to cancel the operation, close the document window, free some disk space, and try again.

Fatal Error

Fatal Error: Error Code (#) A fatal error occurred, and Smart Characters will terminate immediately. Note the code, and what you did just before, and select OK. Call Apropos Customer Service(F- - 1) and report the problem.

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Apropos Customer Service home page 617-648-2041
Last Modified: March 23, 1996

Copyright © 1996 Apropos, Inc.