Smart Characters for Windows 3.0 $ 179.95
Smart Characters is a Chinese and Japanese word processor, reading, writing, translating, and learning tool specifically designed to help non-native speakers communicate in the hard-to-master Asian languages. Unlike native word processors, Smart Characters provides extensive annotations and cross referencing capabilities to assist less fluent users. Alternatively, fluent users can hide the annotations and use Smart Characters like a native word processor to create documents that can be used later by persons with only minimal foreign language skills. The result is an effective tool for word processing, business communications, translating, and foreign language study.
License for 2nd Machine 29.00
Licenses for Additional Machines 89.00
Upgrade from Version 2.9 (User's Guide included) 117.00
Upgrade from Version 2.5 132.00
Upgrade from Version 2.0 152.00
Additional User's Guide (314 pages) 37.00
DoubleByte TrueType Font Interface (fonts not included) 49.95
The DoubleByte TrueType Font Interface allows use of any Japanese, traditional, or simplified Chinese TrueType font under any version of Windows. Use to display and print in a variety of typefaces and styles, for very high resolution printing or typesetting, to print Chinese under Japanese Windows, or vice versa. Avoids the expense, hassles, and penalties of actually running Japanese or Chinese Windows. Works with Windows or Macintosh fonts. Asian TrueType fonts (not included) are available separately from font dealers and makers.
Asian TrueType Fonts (Call)
For your convenience, we also supply fonts from the various makers. Call for a catalog.
Simplified Chinese 16 and 24 Point Font Pack 39.95
The Simplified Chinese 16 and 24 Point Font Pack provides easy use of simplified and traditional characters by substituting the 3755 GB Level I simplified Chinese characters for their traditional Chinese forms in the Combined symbol set font. Characters without GB equivalents remain in their traditional form. You can display Japanese, traditional, and simplified Chinese in the same document, or toggle between them.
48 Point Font Upgrade (Combined, Simplified Chinese) 49.95
The 48 Point High Resolution Fonts yields fast, high quality bitmapscalable characters on a 300 dpi laser printer for a professional look. The typefaces are compatible with the 16 and 24 point Combined Ming typefaces.
Unlimited File Size Editing 24.95
Unlimited File Size Editing edits files limited in size only by available disk space. Far easier than editing using an ordinary text editor, unlimited file size editing handles large hypertext documents such as word and phrase dictionaries, and multimegabyte research dictionaries, and word lists in native form.
Radical and Stroke Dictionary 24.95
The Radical and Stroke Dictionary makes a particularly handy rapid reading tool for books or newspapers. Use like any radical dictionary. Select the appropriate radical from the 214 traditional Chinese radicals, then find the desired character from a matching list of characters arranged in stroke order. Use Query to display a list of pronunciations, meanings, and words and phrases that use the character. Unlike printed dictionaries, you can add characters to "nontraditional" radicals if you wish. This is especially helpful since several characters are under radicals that are not natural or obvious to nonnative speakers.
HyperKanji Radical Dictionary (Japanese) 69.95
The Eiwa Research HyperKanji Radical Dictionary is the Macintosh HyperKanji Dictionary Stack rapid reading tool for books and newspapers, adapted for Smart Characters. This JIS dictionary includes ON and KUN pronunciations, English meanings, Nelson, Hadamitzky and Spahn, and DeRoo codes for over 2000 kanji, as well as a list of over 7000 words and phrases that use the character. Requires about 1 mb of free disk space. The package includes Unlimited File Size Editing, which can be used by itself to edit large hypertext files like word and phrase dictionaries or the Smart Characters for Students help file, and a 24 point native JIS font for display.
ScDict Dictionary Builder 49.95
The ScDict Dictionary Builder automatically constructs translating, reverse, and word and phrase dictionaries, eliminating the need to separately purchase and maintain them, while automatically incorporating your user dictionary into the inverse dictionaries. Reverse dictionaries provide instant querying of a Chinese character to display pronunciations, translations, and words and phrases that use the character. Translating dictionaries accept English and display Japanese or Chinese. Both types can be pasted into any document. When used to build the more massive dictionaries, ScDict is comparable in cost to downloading or ordering update disks.
ScAnnote Automatic Annotator (Japanese, Chinese) $ 279.95
The Auto Annotator processes a text file from a native word processor and produces an annotated Smart Characters document with pronunciations and glosses, which you can view and edit in a word processing window. The glosses can be extracted to form a phrase by phrase English translation. You can edit and add to the dictionaries to adapt the annotations to your needs.
ScSpeech Text to Speech Interface (Japanese, Chinese) 69.95*
The ScSpeech Text to Speech Interface speaks a block or file of Smart Charcters text (without expression) through your sound card. You can record your own voice phonemes (partial syllable pronunciations), then synthesize speech in your voice from a Smart Characters document according to text to syllable rules that you can add to or edit. Specify Japanese or Chinese.
ScwGDI Windows Chinese and Japanese Display Interface 49.95*
The Windows Graphics Display Interface accessory "hooks" into the 16 and 32 bit Windows® system to allow system wide access to your installed Smart Characters system components to provide display of Chinese and Japanese characters in most applications and Windows versions that do not support Double Byte Code System characters. You can export Smart Characters text objects for use in or enter text into any another word processor as editable text.
Smart Characters for Students 2.9 99.95
Enjoy learning Asian languages with Smart Characters for Students Word Processor and Vocabulary Tutor for PCs. Unlike other word processors, Smart Characters combines reading, writing, translating, and vocabulary study tools to assist nonnative speakers who may have only minimal foreign language skills. Handy online references, dictionaries, furigana, pinyin, bopomofo and English annotations speed reading, writing, and translation. Learn and use kanji and hanzi rapidly and effectively while creating your own documents, compositions, and vocabulary lessons. Write and print any character; over 7800 Japanese and traditional Chinese characters are included. Convert and access documents created on other Japanese and Chinese word processors. Optional dictionaries can be added and instantly accessed, or you can create your own dictionaries with Smart Characters' open architecture. Share vocabulary lessons and obtain immediate updates via the User's Group BBS.
Smart Characters for Students is the DOS parent of Smart Characters for Windows. It supports the annotations and cross-reference tools included in SCfW, and is itself compatible with Windows: you can launch it by clicking its own icon, or by selecting Smart Characters files in the Windows File Manager.
License for 2nd Machine 19.00
Licenses for Additional Machines 49.00
Upgrade from Version 2.5 25.00
Upgrade from Version 2.0 45.00
Graphics Clipboard Driver 24.95
The ScClip Clipboard Driver exports Asian language words, phrases, and paragraphs to English and other word processors capable of importing graphics images. The driver copies images from a Smart Characters document window and writes them to a PCX or BMP graphics file, or copies them to the Windows® clipboard when running under Enhanced Mode Windows.
Super VGA Screen Driver 24.95
The Super VGA Screen Driver provides 800x600 or 1024x768 resolution on VESAcompatible and many other video systems. Higher resolutions (e.g. 1280x1024) may also be available. Inquire for details.
Update Disk Service $5 per order plus per disk 5.00
Files on the Smart Characters Bulletin Board (e.g., native fonts, larger dictionaries) are available on 1.44 mb size disk calling Customer Service. Specify the files you wish to receive, note their sizes, and calculate the number of disks required. U.S. Customers are entitled to one free update within six months after purchasing Smart Characters. If you are also ordering an accessory, deduct the $5.00 order processing charge.
Shipping and Handling (inquire for rates outside the U.S.) USA $10.00
* indicates a product under development. Call for Beta and Early Experience.
Copyright © 1996 Apropos, Inc.