Use your PC to Master Japanese and Chinese
New Nomenclature
When going through the printed tutorials, you will encounter references to the
Chinese and Japanese font and symbol set, and a Combined typeface called
"ScSerif." These names have changed, so substitute:
- ScSerif becomes CombinedMing, and Combined 0 becomes
CombinedMing 0.
The concept of font family has been replaced
by symbol set ID and symbol set name, and typeface name.
Occasionally, the word font is used instead of symbol set index.
Mark the Pages Now
Before you start, locate and mark with a pencil or pen the page and sentence
where the following additions and substitutions apply. That way, when you get
to that section, you can refer back to these pages.
... and a desktop that includes all documents that were open when you
last quit Smart Characters.
Windows 95 (W95) windows contain different looking control buttons: the
Close button (not in Windows 3.1) is an `X', the Minimize button
is a thin line instead of a down arrow, the Restore button is two
windows overlapping instead of a double arrow head, and the Maximize
button is a large rectangle instead of an up arrow. Switch To is not on
the menu when the taskbar (task switching toolbar) is active.
In Windows 95, minimizing a main window closes the window, but there is no icon
other than the push-button on the taskbar, which is always present.
(The codes window is not turned on at this point.)
In W95, the clipboard window icon bar contains a small yellow pad icon, a
truncated name, and buttons. Moving the icon has no effect on the window title,
which remains truncated. A real step backwards!
In W95, the glossary window displays "Pin_..."
"Restore" should be "Restore."
If the insertion point is not visible, there may be no text displaying in the
window. Adjust the window size or View | Zoom to display some text and
the insertion point.
Change "your open document" to "the document you are working on."
(Four windows are not open at this point. only 2 or 3 are: user dictionary,
clipboard, and
dynamic glossary(4-
Use Window | 2 and Window | 4 to open 1 or 2 additional windows
to get 4 open windows, and try again.
Select each project and click OK in turn to get...
Select OK on the User & Project dialog to switch to the new
pinyin tutorial project.
... for the F12 key ...
Adjust the window size or View | Zoom if necessary to display some text
and the insertion point.
..., the input mode text at the far right of the status bar at the bottom of
the main frame window...
If the list window had been minimized, it will now appear with the title
Adjust Position and Size. This window is used to select Chinese
characters, and, for speed, should not overlap the window containing the
document you are typing. Start out by positioning the list window on the right
of the screen, at full height, and about 1/4 to 1/3 screen width.
Scroll through the windows, If the type in the window is too large or small,
set View | Zoom to 133 percent or so.
Begin in a known state by using Window | Close All to close all the open
document windows, then minimize the permanent windows.
You may notice Lesson1 on the quick pick list of recently closed files
at the bottom of the file menu. For the tutorial, use File | Open anyway.
Ctrl+Home should be Ctrl+PageUp, and Ctrl+End should be Ctrl+PageDn.
Press Esc twice to cancel the menu display, and unhighlight the menu bar.
right margin on a VGA screen
"cursor" should be "insertion point."
Redraw Window button (the button with a box around a yellow circle), or
press F9.
12 or 13 (the line with the Chinese text).
The status bar indicates the line number if you were working in Line mode, but
you may be working in Page mode which displays pages and x, y positions. If so,
set View | Display | Status Indicators to Line. Note that the
indicators on the status bar change from Pages and x, y Inches to Lines and
The fixed spacing was 6 points initially. (Also the notes size was 4 points,
should be 6)
"... may get wonder" should be "may wonder" and "Pinyin" should be "pinyin."
If the Lesson1 window was maximized, restore the list window, adjust its
size and position, and adjust the size and position of the Lesson1 document
window so that you can see both windows.
Wo is short. If the pronunciation were longer (e.g., chang), it would
overlap the character.
Switching back to the main document window and typing shi4 results in
shi1shi4, for which there is no matching syllable. Instead, press
Backspace to delete the 1st tone marking typed in the previous step, then press
4 to add the correct tone.
Select Redraw Line instead of Query.
File | Quit to WP is now Close (to WP).
If the Lesson1 window covers the list window, you will not see its title change
to Paste into Document.
The Redraw Line button (a circle with a line through it)
Press Esc to switch back ...
Sometimes the furigana is truncated at the insertion point.
, or josei preceded by other hiragana characters.
(the tone is wrong). Press Esc to switch back to the lesson window.
compound hanzi
Adjust View | Zoom for a reasonable display.
Acs should be `cs' (in the keyboard file).
(improvement) Nihon was originally double spaced ..., but Smart
Characters removed the extra empty word separator when you redrew the window.
Remove "Delete the double space" and following 2 paragraphs.
(improvement) Notice that the current object type is bChars short for
binary characters. (Delete the paragraph.)
Note the Input Mode conflicts with Annotations dialog, which pops up to
remind you that you are in a circular input modality in which what you type
converts to something else. Select Ignore.
...or third line.
In addition, the LeftShift+Delete combination deletes the single byte current
character, and the RightShift+Delete combination deletes a single hidden object
beginning with the current character.
If pressing an arrow key does not cancel a selection, press F8 (extend
selection) key to toggle BLOCK F8 selection mode.
"title Excerpt from ..." should be "phrase Embedding an object
Arial is already in Lesson1.ch0.
Because the Symbol Set View window, like a vocabulary window, is independent of
the main frame window, either can be on top and the other covered up, so that
you may not always be able to click on it with a mouse. However, you can always
press Alt+Tab to switch activation between independent windows. Do so now to
switch back to the symbol set view.
You can use the hidden characters window (and the codes window) to view the
contents of a Smart Characters edit control. In addition, function keys like
F2, F9 and F10 work for dictionary lookup, window and line redraw.
Select Browse Selects | Edit to associate the Symbol Set view with the
edit character, then use File | Open to locate the other point
sizes in your user font and hand tune (clean up) the other scaled
Notice how the 16 point font is far too bold. This is a result of scaling from
a 48 point character. You can work on lightening the character, but it is
frequently easier to copy from 16 point fonts using the Alternate character set
to the 16 point CombinedMing font, because this font has solved the low
resolution representation problem in a uniform way and pleasing way.
Adding the pronunciation to User Characters is complicated by the symbol set
index formatting codes used to indicate that the character is in the symbol set
code space. These formatting codes precede and follow the characters as
If you edit the entry in Characters and Pronunciation entry, you must
position the insertion point between the user character index format code and
the Character. You can use the Alt+Right or Left arrow keys for this purpose,
positioning the insertion point after the initial format code (which typically
displays in the Hidden Characters window as "Format n0/3"), and typing in
Pinyin, Bpmf, or Hiragana. The pronunciation will display above the
For single characters without pronunciations, you can add the pronunciation to
the "Prior Pronunciation (edit the entry)" field, despite its name,
which comes from the fact that the field is ignored if there is any existing
pronunciation, and that any pronunciation entered is added to the first
character only in a multiple character entry. Neither consideration applies to
a single character annotation with no prior pronunciation.
Unused entries indicate as "Unused," "Add Symbol Set" should be "Register
Symbol Set," and "Specify Fonts" dialog should be "Register Symbol Set dialog."
- Select Format | Symbol Sets again to invoke the Pick Symbol
Set dialog. Note that 0:Combined is assigned to index 0 and
7:SimpleComb is assigned to index 1. Select the Swap 0 and 1
button to swap the assignments.
Unused symbol set indexes are marked (Unused). Index 3 is the most
appropriate index for a user symbol set because user characters from that index
can be extracted into a special font called a proxy font, and embedded
into your document for electronic transmission.
- Select the Add Symbol Set button to invoke the Register Symbol
Set dialog, then Select Document Symbol Set Index 3 (Unused)
to display the settings for index 3.
- Select and change the Unique Symbol Set ID from 0:Combined
to 1012:DefaultUser, Text Encoding to sc, and Usage
to Ok.
- Select Typeface Name, then press Alt+Down to scroll through a list
of Asian typefaces. Select DefaultUser.
Note that the typeface name
is the same as the symbol set name, a legacy holdover from the Student version
2.9, and a good reason to install your own unique user symbol set that uses a
standard typeface name, like CombinedMing.
It is not necessary to enter a File Name or File Type, since the
selected symbol set and typeface is already installed on your system (you could
select names from a list). Select OK to return to the Character
Format dialog.
Verify that
symbol set index
3 displays 3 sc 1012:DefaultUser with a clear status (no /x
or /?). If you made a mistake, the
Open File
dialog will appear to help you locate the desired font. Cancel it and check
your work in the prior step against the entries in the Hanzi/Kanji | Browse
| File Open File dialog listing.
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Last Modified: March 23, 1996
Copyright © 1996 Apropos, Inc.