Do not open the enclosed License Registration envelope until
you are ready to register Smart Characters. To register your license:
If you are running an anti-virus program or operating system that prevents
writing to an program (.exe) file, turn the write protection off
temporarily for this procedure.
Use a pair of scissors, a paper cutter, or a knife to carefully open the
License Registration envelope by cutting the sides and the top flap to open it
up to a full size page.
Launch Smart Characters, then select File | Options | License to
display the License Registrationdialog. Write down and verify
the serial number and license name information in the boxes in your user's
guide (below) and on your warranty card. For example:
A22902912345.1 00 William English @Apropos, Incorp FE36 A38D
Replace the sample license number with the registration numbers from your
license (six triplets separated by commas). When finished, press Enter. If you
made an error typing, the dialog will reappear. Check the numbers, use the
Arrow keys to position the
insertion point(5-
correct your error, and try again.
Verify that the license registration process worked by saving a document.
Installing Additional Licenses
To obtain additional licenses, or to correct an existing license, call
Apropos Customer Service(F-
In most cases, new licenses can be issued during your call, or electronically
via the User's Group
bulletin board(D-